Glossary of Planning Words
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
A US civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disabilities as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which made discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, and other characteristics illegal. ADA also requires covered employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities, and it imposes accessibility requirements on public accommodations. (Wiki)
Any stratum or zone of rock beneath the earth surface capable of producing water from a well (DNR)
A natural or enhanced vegetated area with no or limited minor land disturbances, such as trails and picnic areas. Specific buffer uses may be identified by local government consistent with these criteria. (DNR)
Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
A short-range plan, usually four to ten years, that identifies capital projects and equipment purchases, provides a planning schedule, and identifies options for financing the plan. (Wiki)
Character Area
A specific geographical area or district that has unique or special characteristics to be preserved or enhanced; has potential to evolve into a unique area with more intentional guidance of future development through adequate planning and development; or requires special attention due to unique dv elopement issues. (DCA)
A collaborative process by which a group may draft a solution or solutions to a problem through dialogue between decision-makers and stakeholders. (Wiki)
The local jurisdiction or joint jurisdictions that ae preparing a local plan. (DCA)
Comprehensive Plan
A plan… proposed or prepared pursuant to the minimum planning standards and procedures for preparation of comprehensive plans and for the implementation of comprehensive plans, established by the (Georgia) Department of Community Affairs in accordance with O.C.G.A 50-8-1 through 50-8-12. (DCA)
Core Elements
The Community Goals, Needs and Opportunities, Broadband Element, and Community Work Program are the primary elements that must be included, at a minimum, in each community’s Comprehensive Plan. (DCA)
Land within the buffer area and other setback areas specified In sections (6) and (7) of Chapter 391-3-16-.01 Criteria for Water Supply Watersheds. (DNR)
County subdivision of a state government.
An objective measurement of the number of people or residential units allowed per unit of land. (DCA)
Department of Community Affairs (DCA)
Georgia Department of Community Affairs
Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Department of Transportation (DOT)
Georgia Department of Transportation or GDOT. (NOTE: The United States Department of Transportation should be identified as USDOT)
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Integrated computer hardware and software that store, manage, analyze, edit, output, and visualize geographic data. (Wiki)
Governing Body
The governing authority or a county or municipality. (DCA)
Green Infrastructure
Network of sustainable infrastructure elements to provide an ecological framework for social, economic, and environmental health of the surroundings. (Wiki)
United State Department of Housing and Urban Development, an executive department of the US federal government.
Hazardous Waste
Solid waste that has been defined as a hazardous waste in regulations, promulgated by the administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to the federal act in force… (and consistent with) the Georgia Hazardous Waste Management Act. (DNR)
Impervious Surface
A man-made structure or surface which prevents the infiltration of storm water into the ground below the structure or surface. (DNR)
The man-made structures which serve the common needs of the population, such as sewage disposal systems; potable water wells serving a system; solid waste disposal sites or retention areas; stormwater systems; utilities; piers; docks; wharves; breakwaters; bulkheads; seawalls; bulwarks; revetments; causeways; marinas; navigation channels; bridges; and roadways. (DCA)
Land-disturbing activity
Any grading, scraping, excavating, or filling of land; clearing of vegetation; and any construction, rebuilding, or alteration of a structure. Land-disturbing activities shall not include activities such as ordinary maintenance and landscaping operations, individual home gardens, yard and grounds upkeep, repairs, additions or minor modifications to a single-family dwelling, and the cutting of firewood for personal use. (DNR)
Local Government
The governing authority of a political subdivision. Any county, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state. (DNR and DCA)
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
Federally designated (public) agencies created in urban areas containing more than 50,000 people that are charged with conducting comprehensive, coordinated planning processes to determine the transportation needs of their respective constituencies, and prioritizing and programming projects for federal funding. (DCA)
Micropolitan Statistical Area
A labor market and statistical area centered on an urban cluster of population between 10,000 and 50,000 people. (Wiki)
Minimum Standards and Procedures
The minimum elements which shall be addressed and included for preparation of comprehensive plans, for implementation of comprehensive plans, for updates of comprehensive plans including update schedules, and for participation in the coordinated and comprehensive planning process. (DCA)
Multi-family dwelling
Structure that contains multiple dwelling units. (DNR)
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Federal law created in 1970 designed to promote the enhancement of the environment. It created laws requiring federal agencies to evaluate environmental impacts and established the President’s Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ).
Natural Vegetative Buffer (or Buffer Area)
An area or corridor containing the flora native to the area…. Natural floras for specific areas are described in Georga Geologic Survey Bulletin 114, “The Natural Environments of Georgia.” (DNR)
National Highway System (NHS)
Network of strategic highways within the United States, including the Interstate Highway System and other roads serving major airports, ports, military bases, rail or truck terminals, railway stations pipeline terminals, and other strategic transport facilities. (Wiki)
Non-governmental Organization (NGO)
An organization that generally is independent from government, and typically may be a non-profit entity and/or active in humanitarianism or social sciences; they can also include clubs and associations that provide services to their members and others. NGOs can also be a lobby group. (Wiki)
Perennial River
A river or section of river that flows continuously throughout the year. (DNR)
Perennial Stream
A stream which flows throughout the whole year as indicated on a USGS Quad map. (DNR)
an individual, partnership, corporation, trust, entity, or authority and shall include the State of Georgia, its political subdivisions, and all its departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, or other agencies. (DNR)
See “Comprehensive Plan” above
Plan Amendment
A change to the adopted plan that occurs between plan updates. (DCA)
Plan Update
A (more-or-less complete) re-write of the Comprehensive Plan which shall occur approximately every five years in accordance with the recertification schedule maintained by the Department. (DCA)
Port Facility
A facility for the docking, loading, and unloading of ships. (DNR)
Protected River
A perennial river or watercourse with an average annua flow of at least 400 cubic feet per second as determined by appropriate US Geological Survey documents. (DNR) (NOTE: This definition does not include river segments covered by the Metropolitan River Protection Act or the Coastal Marshlands Protection Act).
Public Utility (or Utilities)
Service or services provided by a public utility company or a private entity which provides such services, and all equipment and structures necessary to provide such services. (DCA)
Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
A long-term arrangement between a government and private sector institutions typically involving private capital financing for government projects. (Wiki)
Public Right-of-Way
Right of Way is a legal right, established by grant from a landowner or long usage to pass along a specific route through property belonging to another. Right of way access may range from general public access to being restricted for the benefit of only a specific individual or adjacent property. (Wiki)
Qualified Local Government
A county or municipality that adopts and maintains a comprehensive plan as defined in the Minimum Standards and Procedures. (DCA)
Qualified Local Government Certification
Certification by DCA that a community has met the requirements for a Qualified Local Government.
Recharge Area
Portion of earth surface where water infiltrates into the ground to replenish the aquifer. (DNR)
Regional Commissions
Public agencies that assist local governments on a regional basis and to develop, promote, and assist in establishing coordinated and comprehensive planning. Regional Commissions are created and established by the Georgia Planning Act (O.C.G.A 50-8-32).
Regional Plan
A comprehensive plan for a region prepared by the Regional Commission as defined by the Minimum Standards and Procedures. (DCA)for a adopted
An impoundment of water.
Reservoir Boundary
The edge of a water supply reservoir as defined by its normal pool level. (DNR)
Riverbank or “River bank”
The rising ground, bordering a river which serves to confine the water to the natural channel during the normal course of flow. (DNR)
River Corridor
All land, inclusive of islands…, in areas of a protected river and being within 100 feet horizontally on both sides of the river as measured from the (uppermost part of the) riverbanks, (DCA) (NOTE: The river corridor is considered fixed at its position at the start pf each review period for a comprehensive plan).
River Corridor Protection Plan
The part of a local comprehensive plan which deals with the river corridor protection requirements specified in the Georgia DNR Environmental Protection Division Rules Chapter 391-3-16-.04 CRITERIA FOR RIVER CORRIDOR PROTECTION. (DNR)
Rules for Environmental Planning Criteria
Standards and procedures with respect to natural resources, the environment, and vital areas of the state established and administered by the Department of Natural Resources pursuant to O.C.G.A. 12-2-8, including, but not linked to, criteria for the protection of water supply watersheds, groundwater recharge areas, wetlands, protected mountains, and protected river corridors. (DCA)
Sensitive Natural Areas
An area identified now or hereafter by Georgia DNR which contains one or more of the following: habitat; rare or exemplary natural communities; significant landforms, hydroforms, or geological features; or other areas so designated by Georgia DNR. (DNR)
Service Delivery Strategy
The intergovernmental arrangements among municipal governments, the county, and other entities within the same county for delivery of community services, developed in accordance with the Service Delivery Strategy law (See Code Section 36-70-28(b)(1) Service Delivery Strategies. (DCA)
Single-family dwelling
A dwelling structure designed for the use of one family. (DNR)
Southwest Georgia Regional Commission (SGRC)
The Southwest Georgia Regional Commission (SWGRC) is the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) responsible for 14 counties and 44 cities in the Southwest Georgia region. Their mission is to improve the livability of the communities it serves by providing collaborative, progressive leadership, and professional technical services.
Supplemental Planning Recommendations
Supplemental recommendations provided (by DCA) to assist communities in preparing plans and addressing the Minimum Standards and Procedures. (DCA)
Tax Allocation District (TAD)
[definition to go here].… (Note: In other regions of the United States, this process may be known as Tax Increment Financing or TIF).
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)
Development that maximizes the amount of residential, business, and leisure space within walking distance of public transport. (Wiki)
USGS Quadrangle Map
A 7.5-minute topographical map prepared by the United State Geological Survey at a scale of 1:24,000. (DNR)
United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Military engineering branch of the US Army. Civil works include three business lines authorized by the US Congress: navigation, flood and storm damage protection, and aquatic ecosystem restoration. USACE also administers the Clean Water Act 404 program including recreation, hydropower, and water supply at USACE reservoirs and environmental infrastructure. (Wiki)
Public or private water or sewer piping systems, water or sewer pumping stations, electric power lines, fuel pipelines, telephone lines, roads, driveways, bridges, river/lake access facilities, stormwater systems, and railroads or other utilities identified by a local government.
Update Schedule
The schedule for updating comprehensive plans as provided in paragraph 2(b) of Section 110-12-1-.04 of the Rules of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs. (DCA)
Water Supply Reservoir
A government owned impoundment of water for the primary purpose of providing water to one or more governmentally owned public drinking water intake. This excludes multi-purpose reservoirs owned by the US Army Corps of Engineers. (DNR)
Water Supply Watershed
The area of land upstream of a governmentally owned public drinking water intake. (DNR)
Water Supply Watershed Protection Plan
The land use plan prepared and adopted by local governments for the protection of the quality of drinking water obtained from the watershed. (DNR)
Wetlands (Freshwater)
Areas inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support… a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. (DNR)
Year of Expenditure (YOE)
The calendar year in which expenses are expected to be incurred, reflecting the anticipated costs including inflation and other economic factors at that time.